Zvonimir Stopić shares his thoughts on the nature of China’s position between Russia and the West regarding the Ukraine situation on popular political Croatian Radio-Television podcast “In the Network of the First” (U mreži prvog; March, 2022)
Kina između Rusije i Zapada: Može li kinesko rusko prijateljstvo bez granica izdržati pritisak gospodarskih sankcija nametnutih Rusiji zbog invazije na Ukrajinu? Kina za sada ne okreće leđa Putinu, ali daje podršku Ukrajini – može li dugoročno nastaviti sjediti na dva stolca? Otvara li se Kini prostor da dok je zapad usmjeren na Ukrajinu krene u zauzimanje Tajvana? Može li se očekivati da će SAD biti spreman na ustupke Kini kako bi je odmaknuo od Rusije? O tome U mreži prvog govore dugogodišnja dopisnica Dela iz Pekinga Zorana Baković i predavač na Capital Normal sveučilištu Zvonimir Stopić. Emisiju od 7:30 uređuje i vodi Marija Gerbec Njavro.
China between Russia and the West: Can China's friendship without borders withstand the pressure of economic sanctions imposed on Russia due to the invasion of Ukraine? China is not turning its back on Putin for now, but it is supporting Ukraine - can it continue to sit on two chairs in the long run? Is there room for China to take over Taiwan while the West is focused on Ukraine? Can it be expected that the United States will be ready to make concessions to China in order to move it away from Russia? Zorana Baković, a long-time correspondent for Delo from Beijing, and Zvonimir Stopić, a lecturer at Capital Normal University, are talking about these issues In the Network of the First. The show from 7:30 is edited and hosted by Marija Gerbec Njavro.