Ivica Bakota and Zvonimir Stopić participate at the Kliofest’s (Festival of History) conference “China and Southeast Europe in historical perspective” (Kina i Jugoistočna Europa u povijesnoj perspektivi) (May, 2022)
In a central roundtable of the 3rd day of Kliofest (Festival of history, History department of Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Zagreb) scholars from China and Croatia shared their research results regarding China and SE Europe connections and discussed issues and potential of further discoveries of China and SE Europe connections. Besides Ivica Bakota and Zvonimir Stopić, other participants were Goran Bilogrivić from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities University of Rijeka, and Goran Đurđević, Peng Yuchao and Ziyi Ouyang from Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU).